by Gabrielle Czaja, PT | Sep 9, 2020 | A stronger, more energetic you, Body-Wise Movement
by Gabrielle Czaja, PT | Aug 31, 2017 | A stronger, more energetic you
Recently, I was at the Maryland House on I-95, en route to NJ for a family birthday. Despite the only four hour drive, I packed a small cooler with lunch to take a break from driving the predictably unpleasant freeway connecting major cities and towns along the...
by Gabrielle Czaja, PT | Feb 24, 2017 | A stronger, more energetic you, Body-Wise Movement
Shoveling snow safely can be done. Just follow these three simple tips. Start early. Shovel often. Turn your whole body (don’t twist!)—that’s how to shovel when snow falls in the Washington DC area. To show you exactly how it’s done, Gabrielle Czaja PT created this...